The free chapters on this website are contained in standard pdf files which can be read with Adobe Acrobat, or the free Acrobat Reader, or various other pdf reader apps. You may find the pages too small to read if your screen is less than 20cm by 12cm.
What happens when you click on a chapter link will depend on how your computer is set up. You may be prompted to save the file, or alternatively the chapter will open in the/a browser window (using the browser's Acrobat "plug-in"). We strongly recommend that if possible you download and save the pdf and then open it in Acrobat Reader. You can then set the view as "facing pages" (View>>Page-Layout>>Facing), so as to see it like a book with two pages at a time. Browser plug-ins tend to lack this facing pages option.
The chapter files will appear exactly like the book if they are set to be 6"x9" on your screen, that is 152mm x 229mm. If you set the page view to "View > Page Layout > Facing", then you will see the pairs of pages just as if you had opened the book.
You may also find some other free previews on sites such as Amazon.
However, not everything in the book is contained in these free files (hence some chapter titles which aren't "live" links here). We hope you will want to buy the printed book, which is generally a much better option anyway and will be sold at cost price (no profit/royalty to the author).
Please note that this book has taken a lot of work to research and write and produce, and that these chapters are still copyright even though provided free here. Though we will probably not haul you into court if you just pass them on to a few friends or enemies!
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